It is clear that the body of man, starting with two-minute cells, is so complex, so intricate, and involved in the operation, that it had to be created by an all-powerful Intelligence. It is equally clear that the brain and mind of man, with its amazing powers of speech, reason, memory, and imagination, is so fantastically wonderful it had to be created by a Master Genius, infinite in His creative resources. To believe that such marvels as the eye and the ear, the brain and the hand, the liver, and the blood, could develop by random mutations, or natural selection is the height of absurdity.
The gulf between men and apes, or between men and some imagined predecessor of the apes, in every conceivable realm: physical, mental, moral, emotional, spiritual, is so vast — and with no “missing links” to span the gulf — that one is forced to the conclusion that man could NOT have evolved from the lower animals, but was, as the Bible says, “created in the image of God.”
Few prominent evolutionists in recent years have come so close to admitting that evolution is an unproven and unprovable theory as Prof. Eiseley. Listen to his picturesque portrayal of man’s dilemma; this is what happens when man rejects the Biblical account and tries to solve the problem of man’s origin.
“There are great gaps of millions of years from which WE DO NOT POSSESS A SINGLE COMPLETE MONKEY SKELETON, let alone the skeleton of a human fore-runner………………………………………………………………………….. For the whole Tertiary Period which involves something like 60 to 80 million years, we have to read the story of Primate Evolution from a few handfuls of broken bones and teeth. . . .In the end we may shake our heads, baffled………….. It is as though we stood at the heart of a maze and no longer remembered how we came there. . . .Until further discoveries accumulate, each student will perhaps inevitably read a little of his own temperament into the record…. They will catch glimpses of an elfin human figure which will mock us from a remote glade in the forest of time. OTHERS JUST AS COMPETENT WILL SAY THAT THIS ELUSIVE…………………………………………………………………………. ELF IS A DREAM, SPUN FROM OUR DISGUISED HUMAN LONGING
FOR AN ANCESTOR LIKE OURSELVES.” (Caps Ours. Prof. Loren C. Eiseley, Prof., of Anthropology, University of Pa., in the June, ’56 “Scientific American“)
We do not agree with all Prof. Eiseley teaches, but this inference he suggests is certainly true: authorities reach different conclusions from the evidence available. There is no positive evidence to refute creationism, but much proof that neither the body nor mind of man could have evolved from animals. Besides, we have the clear teaching of God’s Word that He created man in His own image (Gen. 1:26-27).